Stop Fears & Phobias

“Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed.” - Michael Pritchard

538 fears and phobias are listed on The Phobia List!  If you have one of them, you will know how life can be uncomfortable or limited.  It could be insects or animals, the dark, heights, flying or other travel forms, dentists/doctors, colours, blood, vomit, needles, clocks, clowns, foreigners or fish.


Many fears are sensible encouraging us to be mindful of fire, sharks, cliff edges but fear can become irrational and totally out of all proportion.  That tips it into a phobia. A fear becomes a phobia when you have an exaggerated or unrealistic sense of danger about a situation (eg. going outside) or object (eg. buttons).

Conventional medical treatment with CBT involves facing the fear head-on eg being locked in a dark room with no light or living with a large spider – probably your worst nightmare.  It may also require medication with anti-depressants or tranquilizers which may take weeks to be effective then require gradual weaning off.

I suffered a terrible spider phobia (arachnophobia) all my life and did not fancy taking spiders home and watch them crawl around my house.  However, I realized that I needed to do something as my son was inheriting my phobia.  I chose the fast and effective route of hypnosis with Fast Phobia Cure.  Read my blog post on overcoming my fear of spiders:

I have helped people with all sorts of fears and phobias easily, in a relaxed way, usually in 1-2 sessions.  These included heights, flying, tube travel, motorway driving and the dentist.

Read my blog post on treating Stage Fright with Hypnosis and Fear of Moths.

Finally, whilst these fears and phobias are of something tangible, there are also psychologically limiting fears such as fear of failure or even fear of success.  My unique way of applying Hypnosis with Personal Development can help.

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